Subject: You won't believe this

Hello Friend,

      After having visited the Modern art museum in New York City, and seeing the most inspiring  Van Gogh
Starry Night and then coming back to Toronto,

I thought it might be a good idea to visit  the museum of modern art here.

   Now as I said previously, I am no art connoisseur, but one particular piece of "art" which seemed a bit dodgy
to me was hung up on the walls.

     Basically, it was three totally white pieces of canvas, side by side about 20 inches by 20 inches
and each had a black dot placed in various locations on the canvas.

As I looked at this wonky piece of art, I  was

  Was it a one eyed polar bear in a snowstorm? 

Or was I simply not "getting  it"?

     Heck, if that's all it takes to become an artist, well sign me up!

I've got gobs of talent in that case.

or was it: 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?'.

You've got me there, as I could imagine many art critics looking at and discussing the various
merits of the wanker who did this.

   Now perhaps if you are an artist, you could explain it to me, otherwise I will be inclined to think
the whole thing is a shambles.

Now here is something that might actually have some artistic merit, a new product from
Rock Mallin   (Mallincam).

Check it out:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS The Van Gogh really was the Bee's Knees. If you happen to end up in Manhattan,
      be sure to check it out.