Subject: You can't teach an old dog new tricks, so they say

Hello Friend,

   My buddy Glenn Norman would be the first to tell you that that statement simply is not true.

Why? Cos as Glenn says, he's an old dog.

And he just learnt a few new tricks!

I just finished reading his article in the latest issue of Sky News magazine (September/October 2014)
and I must say that reading that was worth the cover price alone.

Glenn did a review on the Mallincam Universe  visual observing and imaging camera.

That's the latest and greatest visual imaging system from the mind of inventor extraordainare, Rock Mallin.

Now I gotta say, I really enjoyed reading it, and I recommend you go out and a copy of Skynews
and read it for yourself.  You can pick it up at most newstands in Canada.

It will make Glenn real happy.

I'll tell you a few snippets of what he said though, and that is that if you want to make your observing
more versatile and more enjoyable, then imagine that the Mallincam is like a very powerful eyepiece.

Just to be clear, I am not talking about imaging here, but about visual observing.

If you already own a goto telescope, then you are going to find that the Mallincam Universe will be quite easy
to use.

And if you are observing with the Mallincam Universe, then taking images is a snap as well. 

We are talking about getting decent images on your first night out.

Images that you would be proud to share with your friends, or even print and give as gifts.

You can read more about the Mallincam Universe here:


Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Btw, Glenn used a Meade 10 inch LX200, that belongs to his buddy, Gord Skerratt in case you were wondering
      what instrument he used to test out the Mallincam Universe. However, you can use a goto telescope of any size.
      Other manual  instruments will work as well. Goto is just easier, that's all.