Subject: You can't have it both ways

Hello Friend,

Last week I told you about a new CCD Imaging video camera designed and engineered
by Rock Mallin of Ottawa, Canada, the Mallincam Micro Super

   I then received an email from reader Emma, in Nova Scotia who wanted to know:

"Designed and engineered in Canada, but made where?"

Well actually it's manufactured in China, to Rock's specifications.

But here's the thing:

If it was actually manufactured in Canada, and lets say it sold for $399
versus the actual price of $229, and I then told you that both products
would do exactly the same thing,, and offered you a choice, would you:

A) Buy the product at the $399 price.?

(insert sound of crickets chirping here)

B) Buy it at the $229 price?


That's what I thought. 

You would most likely buy it at the $229 price.

   Am I correct?

     You see, you can't have it both ways, and it seems most people only want it
one way, at the lowest possible price.

That being said, the Micro super is an awesome deal, for those wanting to try out
their hand, at some video imaging/observing.

You can check it out here:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now let's talk about the Avro Arrow, designed and engineered and built in Canada!