Subject: Winter stargazing survival tips

Hello Friend,

Do you ever feel your hands and toes starting to get cold when you are winter stargazing?

One of the biggest obstacles for most amateur astronomers who live in northern climes is to get motivated
enough to get out and observe in the winter.

I understand.  I have the same problem.

That is why I use a grab and go telescope in the winter.  And a few pairs of binoculars.

I may only spend a short period observing, but it's better
than nothing.

If you own a larger telescope, you just are not going to find the energy to lug it out and set it up.

It's far easier to turn on Netflix and watch another great show or movie.  I saw one recently,
it's a British production (They always seem to be the best) called 'River.'

Highly recommend it with one caveat.  

There will be a certain disco song by one
Tina Charles from the 80-'s that will forever be stuck in your head.

In fact, I can hear it now, and I know all the bloody words to it as well.

Don't say you were not warned if you do decide to check it out.

Ok, back to some of my favorite Grab and Go telescopes for Winter observing.    I have personally used
each one of these, and satisfied with each of them.

Here is my short list:

1) Meade ETX 125 Maksutov

2) Celestron 130 AstroWifi 

note: a new lightweight

3) Celestron 20 X 80 Skymaster Pro Binoculars

4) Celestron 130 AstroMaster 130

note: This one is very lightweight, with decent optics and not expensive.

5) William Optics Apo 71mm

 note: this requires a tripod or lightweight alt-az/equatorial mount

Celestron Omni 102 alt AZ Refractor

note: this is the current one I am using. 

Well, that's a very short list.   There were a few others I played around with.  Perhaps you have your favorite?

Or do you have your tricks to staying warm when winter stargazing,Friend?

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  : Stop! Stop! Stop!  were the 3 words used by disco artist Tina Charles as a hook in her hit disco song.
        Ring a bell now? I hope not.