Subject: Why you can't buy Boy Scout Cookies

Hello Friend,

Because they don't exist. And that's cool.

I received several responses to my email this past week in regards to the Boy Scouts in the USA now becoming the
SCOUTS and dropping the word BOY from their moniker.

Here are a couple:

Reader Jim Chung writes:


"Your diatribe today is a little misinformed.  BSA is not changing their name to Scouts to be politically correct; they are changing to accept girls into the troop, likely because of plummeting enrollment numbers."


Reader Lawrence Harris says:

Hi Ray,

Sorry to spoil your rant and manners aside ,but it’s been Scouts Canada here since 2007 which just recognized that the organization has been effectively co-ed for quite some time.  The Girl Guides are still girls only, but Scouts has for all practical reasons been co-ed for a long, long time.  We’ve been waiting for the US to catch up.

So Canada "leads" the way does it?

Recently, I was at a shopping mall and saw Girl Guides selling Girl Guide Cookies.   A longstanding tradition and I
happen to like those cookies.

However, I didn't see any Boys selling those cookies.

How about that? And why not?

Or why aren't they just called SCOUT COOKIES?

Because you see, all things are not equal.  That's a case in point.

It's ok to still have the Girl Guides, but for some reason it's not ok to just have Boy Scouts?

It's gotta be co-ed???

Huh? WHY begs the question.

Look: Despite the neutral gender rhetoric being bandied about today in society, the fact of the matter is that Girls and boys
play differently and therefore mixing boys and girls into the scouts will dilute the whole purpose of what it really means to
be a boy scout.

 Mix girls in with the boys and the dynamics change.  It's that simple.

Unless you really do believe boys and girls are all the same in which case you would be 100% wrong, bucko.

Rant over.  (And another savings of $200 from not having to visit my psychiatrist-haha)

Ok, it's a nice Sunday so I hope you'll enjoy,

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  As a reminder, our Retail store is open 7 days a week (excluding holidays) and we carry a huge inventory
of New and Used gear all the time.   If you are thinking about trading up (or down) then drop by and see us
we can help you out.