Subject: Why we carry a huge inventory of telescopes and accessories

Hello Friend,

If you've walked into our retail store in the last little while, you've probably noticed that
it's a tad bit overcrowded with telescopes galore.


Well, there is a reason for that, other than the fact that the holiday shopping season
will soon be upon us, if it hasn't already started.

It's quite a simple reason really, and here it is.

This has happened to me on more than one occassion by the way, and I am sure it's happened
to you too.

You see something advertised that you really want, and get all excited about it, and then you
go to to the store to buy it, and it's "out of stock".

Has this happened to you, Friend?

I find that really frustrating, and so we do our best here to keep many of the popular selling
items in stock, ready and available to buy, when you want it.

Sometimes these are hard to get, and you could wait months for delivery of a specific item:

Here are two examples:

You've probably heard about the New Celestron Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Camera.

It's a popular product, and takes time to manufacture, and is not readily available
from the manufacturer.

We have it in stock.

Or how about the New  Celestron Evolution 9.25"?

Same thing, it's hard to get, but we have it in stock right now.

Now, let me tell you as it gets closer to crunchtime during the holidays, we are going
to run out of some things, so my best advice to you is that if you are planning to
buy anything, do it sooner than later, so you won't be disappointed  that it's not
available, when you might want it.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Obviously, we don't have every single thing in stock all the time, that's darn
     near impossible, but rest assured we will do our best to fill your orders promptly.