Subject: Why they just couldn't Dew it........

Hello Friend,

         Why don't astronomical telescopes come equipped with built in dew prevention systems?

This is an entirely reasonable question, asked by reader  Frank Dempsey, when I previously wrote
about the neccessity for dew protection systems, if you live in Canada and most of the USA, and Europe
for that matter.

   I had pondered the very same question several years ago, when this came up in a discussion at a brainstorming
session with  a telescope manufacturer several years ago.  Thinking this would be a brilliant idea, and make
using my telescope very convenient.

It boiled down to one very simple reason:  Cost.

The cost to implement dew prevention systems in amateur telescopes, would increase the selling price, and it just
did not make sense, since not all areas in North America, where telescopes are utilized require a dew prevention system.

Like perhaps Texas, or Arizona for example.

Wanna avoid dew?  Then that's where you gotta go.  And many an amateur astronomer has been known to retire and reside
in such dark sky area communities, which now actually exist.

           So...the short end of the stick is, that you are going to need a dew prevention system for your telescope, and we can
certainly help you pick out the correct one that is right for your particular model of telescope. 

By utilizing dew prevention, you also protect the integrity of your optics. It means less cleaning
of your SCT corrector plate, or refractor objective, or secondary mirror on your newtonian.

    Most damage to telescope objectives is done by improper cleaning.

Just give us a call 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140 or drop us an email to:

Clear Skies,

Ray "dew you know the way to San Jose?" Khan

PS It's been great to see more Sunshine recently here in Toronto, despite the fact it's -19.   Spring is just
around the corner, and some great observing awaits. Right now you can observe a very bright Venus
in the early morning skies.