Subject: Why freeze your azz off observing or imaging this Winter?

Hello Friend,

     As we reach the coldest days of  winter here in Toronto and northern Canada, I always like to thing back
to the time I last attended the Winter Star Party held in Summerland Key, Florida.

Now it's been many years since I've been back, but my best memories of that star party were when I went
down with my friends John, Jeff .

We flew down,  rented a  house and split the expenses.

John was a bit of a prankster.  One night he stuck an old spring  under my bedsheet, and when I got into
bed, it was bloody uncomfortable!

I fixed him the next morning by turning off the hot water feed, while he was taking shower.

Sweet revenge!

And boy was he pissed.

Al Nagler from TeleVue optics was also present, and he had a new model refractor telescope there with a binoviewer
which he left me to use that night, after he went to bed.

     If you've never been to the Winter Star party, I highly recommend it, Friend.

This year it's from Feb-16th to Feb 22nd.

If you live in the frigid climes, it's a good excuse to observe Orion in a t-shirt and catch the tail end of the Southern Cross
and hang out with a bunch of very cool amateur astronomers from all over.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Some of the best imaging you will ever do will be in Southern Florida.  Just take a gander at some of astroimager
      Don Parker's images.  Right now we've got a boatload of deals on Celestron CCD imagers on sale till the end
      of January.  You can see them here: