Subject: Why I'm quitting the telescope business, once and for all

Hello Friend,

April Fools!

Now don't get me wrong here.  I actually have considered packing it in on occasion.

 The reason I won't though because it's too much fun! 

This is such a great hobby and it just get's better.

As Confucious, the ancient Chinese philosopher once said: "We live in exciting times".

(Or did I just read that in a fortune cookie? )

Either way,of it's true.

However, we also live in dangerous times.

I'm not just talking about President Trump and his ilk.

The late, great astronomer and astrophysicist  and author  Carl Sagan  predicted our current
dire times in his book 'The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark'.

If you have not read the book, I highly recommend you do.

Consider gifting it to your own children.
(My own daughters will each be receiving a copy in the mail)

We are fighting a battle of lack of critical thinking skills, lack of debate , loads of fake news
and religious fervour today.  

As a soldier in this battle (I just drafted you) you must do your part to ensure that we don't lose it.

I'm not joking here either.  It's something that concerns us all.

As for doing my part, well I am considering a way to encourage you to get out more this 
Spring and Summer with a portable telescope and show others the wonders of  our Universe.

The real deal.  

Start with just one person. Just one. A neighbour, a friend.

To assist you with I am recommending one of my favorite, portable, high quality astronomical 
telescopes and knocking off a solid $100 off the price.

I recommend the Meade ETX 125 computerized Maksutov-Cassegrain as an excellent tool for you.
  • Portable
  • Razor sharp Optics (Maksutov design)
  • Lightweight tripod (Carry bag included)
  • Fast set up (less than 5 minutes)
  • 5" aperture. 
  • Autostar computer
  • Two Plossl Eyepieces included.
  • Easy to attach  cell phone and take astro images by you or anyone
    with optional adaptor. (DSLR may also be used)
  • 1 yr warranty 

Here is the link again.

Offer expires April 2nd Easter Monday at Midnight.

And I ain't fooling!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS What do you think of my sentiments? I am on track or off track?

I really want to know!

(For the best response, I will gift  a copy of the above mentioned Carl Sagan book)