Subject: Why I love this winter...

said nobody, Friend.

Indeed, it seems that many an amateur astronomer was out last night and a number of you got some
nice photo's of the Venus, Mars and Lunar conjunction. 

Well done!

      Heck, even a woman I dated many years ago, who had zero interest in the night sky at the time
(and thus I had zero interest in her eventually)  snapped a picture on her iphone of Venus and the moon,
since she couldn't believe "how pretty it was''.

And that was in fairly light polluted skies.

She took the image between a light standard, and the back of a truck.

Alas, there is always hope, Friend.

And a brief reminder that our Celestron Astroimaging sale is going to end in a few days.

To get your hands on some imaging cameras at sale prices,  go here.

or here:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now if you don't mind, I'll get back to other matters at hand.  ie shovelling snow! :(