Subject: Why I get tired of telling this to customers

Hello Friend,

For as long as I've been selling telescopes to customers there is one obstacle I've never been able to overcome
and I'm talking primarily to Astroimagers, as well as visual observers.

They make this one dumb avoidable mistake, over and over.

And I have to end up saying:  "Well you were told at the outset, and you didn't listen".

And the nod their heads in agreement like a lost puppy dog.

Want to know what that is?

Convincing them to SPEND MORE upfront on their equatorial mounts and tracking systems.

That's it.


Because by the time you load all the gear on to the mount to take Astro-images for your telescope,
you are likely going to be at the mount's weight limitations or exceeding it,

And then you are screwed because you will spend all manner of time trying to fix the problem
the hard way (which does not work btw) and then realize it's all for naught.

Then you will come back and UPGRADE and buy the right mount.(Yes, we take trade-ins).

Get it?

Don't cheap out on your mount people.  It is not a money grab on my part, it is seeing this happen over
and over with amateur astronomers for the past decades I've been in business.

Depending on your skill and expertise level, this month we have a slew of equatorial mounts by Celestron
Skywatcher and Meade Instruments on sale.

I've put together this one package which I believe is superb "let's get serious" mount, and I have discounted
the whole kit and kaboodle by 10%.

It's got all the stuff you will need to get going and start taking the astroimages that you see so many others
do and wish you could do.

Here it is:      Celestron AVX bundle 

Order today and Save 10% on the bundle right now.  

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS We also have many heavier duty mounts on sale if you need more beef, just check the links to various
sales on our main page at