Subject: Why Elon Musk wants to nuke Mars

Hello Friend,

   It seems when billionaires come up with "bright ideas" they might seem a bit crazy to the rest of us.

A few examples?  Donald Trump running for President.

Rupert Murdoch buying National Geographic.

   Elon Musk wanting to nuke the planet Mars.

Ok, let's talk about that one.

Now Mars is certainly a cold planet.

So the  idea is that the nukes would melt the Mars’ polar ice caps and kickstart a greenhouse effect— like here on earth—that would quickly make the planet warmer.

Maybe. Maybe not.

I've got a better idea. How about we just leave Mars alone and observe it with telescopes
and when we eventually get there we'll figure something out.

Now I can help out with the observing part.

To see any details on Mars, you need some decent size aperture.

We've got the Meade Lightbridge Dobsonians on sale right now.

Big Aperture, and Portable to boot.

* 10 inch lightbridge on sale here!
* 12 inch Lightbridge on sale here!
* 16 inch Lightbridge on sale here!

Aperture fever cured with a quality telescope.

Offer ends September 15.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan