Subject: Why Astrology is on the upswing, and formal religion sinking fast

Hello Friend,

What can you do about it? Do you even care? More to follow shortly.

I just read a Globe and Mail article on why Astrology is so popular today amongst millennials 
and other "intelligent and educated" adults.

With formal religion on the downswing bigtime, God is being put of business in short order.

Now if you believe in God and the holy book,  don't write me and cry blasphemy!

If you believe Jesus loves you and died for your sins, I have no argument with that.

People need something to believe in.

First it was the Bible.

Now it's Astrology and other pseudo-intellectual crap are what some folks are turning too apparently.

Hail Mary!  (with apologies to you if that's your namesake.)

Why even  last night while out enjoying  on St. Patty's day, listening to live music  Rock' N Roll (now there's a true religion
for you) I was asked the question by a whipsmart business woman "What sign are you?".

I almost choked on my green beer. 

She was serious and proceeded to tell me she was a Scorpio.  

Last I heard, when a Scorpion bites, you are down for the count.

Exit stage left.

All to say, that as a society we are not moving forward if this is truly the case.

It's an upward battle my friend.

We must continue to fight the "fake news" and bullshit pseudoscience around us.

Or George Orwell wins. He becomes 100% correct.   Read the book "1984" to see how bad it really is today,

Better yet, pull out your telescope and show a neighbour or too the wonders of the universe.

Show them the frickin' moon.  That should wake them up. 

Why? Because it's REAL, that's why,

Sunday rant officially over now.  I feel better already, 
The green beer hangover is long gone.  

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Clear Skies,

-Ray Khan