Subject: When the deal's over, it's over

Hello Friend,

Recently we had a special offer on a telescope and I stated that the offer was
for a specific time period.

It was for 3 days in fact.

Then on  the  second day of the promotion, a customer
called on the phone to confirm that we actually had the product in stock.

I told him we did, and since he was coming from Oshawa, that he could reserve
it via the phone via credit card, or take his chances and just come in,
we had reasonable stock at that moment, so it should not be an issue either way.

Well guess what?

He didn't come in at all.

But he did call the day after the promotion was over, and said  he was sorry
he got tied up, and he could he still have the deal?

And the answer is "NO" .


Well, first of all the promotion was over.

Secondly, he was given the option to reserve one when I spoke to him on the phone
and he declined to do so.

Had he done so, he then could have picked it up whenever it was convenient for him,
or even had it shipped to him.

And if I make an exception him, then I would  have to do it for everyone, and that's
just not fair to those who chose to act, Friend.

Anyway, just be warned that when we actually do run a promotion, with a specific
end date, it's for real.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Be on the lookout for some special offers coming your way over the following week.
      Just like this one:   (
      which I sent out in a previous email, but some people said that the link did not work.