Subject: When Elvis met Richard M. Nixon; When two stars collided!

Hello Friend,

Some stories are hard to believe, and this is a true one.

Back in 1970,  the late  singer Elvis Presley flew to Washington, DC with the intention of meeting
then President, "Tricky Dick", Richard M. Nixon.

Presley checked into a hotel, and then wrote a letter to the President, and dropped it off to the Whitehouse security.

Well it so just so happens, that an aide to Nixon, was a huge Presley fan, and arranged a private meeting between the two.

What Elvis really wanted,  was a Federal agent's narcotics badge.

 "Presley indicated that he thought the Beatles had been a real force for anti-American spirit. The President then indicated that those who use drugs are also those in the vanguard of anti-American protest."

My guess is that the Beatles were responsible for not only "rolling over Beethoven", but Presley's record sales as well.

 Nixon, probably thought that Presley might be able to exert a positive influence over people in turning against drugs.

So, he got Presley the badge! wasn't big news at the time, but it sure was after Tricky Dick was ousted from office.

Of course, Elvis was already taking drugs, and some strong prescription narcotics at the time himself.

No wonder he was "All shook up!".

Now here is your opportunity to be a real "Hound Dog", Friend.

I've just put several popular Skywatcher telescopes on sale, so before you hit "Return to Sender"
be sure to check them out over yonder:

Clear Skies,

Ray "It's now or Never" Khan

PS To be fair to Richard Nixon, and to make it "perfectly clear" he was a great statesman, and did open doors between the USA, China, and of   course Russia.  He resigned over the infamous Watergate scandal so he could avoid doing the "Jailhouse Rock".