Subject: What not to do with your Green Laser Pointer.............Khan Scope AstroNotes Newsletter Dec 7 2009
Khan Scope Centre Astro Notes December 7th 2009
Meade ETX LS6 SC Lightswitch Telescope
with Handsfree Automatic Alignment & Built in Imager!
Now in Stock!
The Meade ETX LS6 Telescope was chosen by Sky and Telescope Magazine as
one of their Hot Products of 2010!
These awards are given to products with a high degree of innovation.

The New TeleVue 21mm Ethos was also honoured with the Sky and
Telescope Hot Product of 2010 award. We will start shipping these around
December 15th.
We still have a few available from our first shipment, so if you are considering
one of these for the holidays, please order now before we sell out.
No more will be available till Spring 2010.
LX90-ACF Telescope - UHTC
- A Bestseller! The Meade 10" LX90-ACF Telescope includes
oversized 10" Schmidt-Cassegrain optics and UHTC coatings for classic
performance and clear, bright images.
- ᅠincludes a rigid cast aluminum double-tine fork mount and a
heavy-duty, adjustable LX200 Series tripod.
- ᅠcomes fully equipped with a Sony GPS receiver, an oversized
primary mirror with diffraction limited optics, Autostar controller with a
30,000+ object library, Smart Drive, Periodic Error Correction (PEC),
Autostar Suite Software

In stock!
Celestron CGEM
Computerized EQ Mount-In Stock!
40 lb + Payload!
Yet another award Winner in the Sky and Telescope Hot Products of 2010. The
CGEM computerized mount has proven to be a hit with amateur astronomers in
a very short period of time.
From the "What was he thinking?" Dept.....
Amateur astronomers use Green Laser pointing devices for
the purposes of pointing out Stars and Planets,
and of course they are used in matters of public education at star parties as
Please keep this in mind also on Christmas Eve as Rudoph
and Santa are also not fond of having Lasers pointed at them.....
Here is a good example of how not to use Laser pointing
A Clarington, Ontario man has been arrested after a laser beam was
pointed at Durham Regional Police’s helicopter.
“It’s a high-resolution beam. It has the capability of traveling great
distances, more than just a pointer for a presentation in a board room,” said
Durham Sergeant Nancy van Rooy.
On the evenings of Nov. 10 and Nov. 25, the helicopter was flying over the
Clarington area when it was forced to take evasive action to dodge what a police
press release called “the laser strikes.’’
Officers conducted a ground search in collaboration with Air1 — as the
helicopter is called — and determined the laser beam was coming from a
Clarington residence.
“As a pilot, I presume ... it would have you temporarily hesitate and lose
concentration and be distracted from your instrumentation and viewing your
altitude. It’s just a total hazard,” said Sgt. van Rooy of the laser beams,
which allegedly came from a small, portable device.
At about 8:40 p.m. on Dec. 2, the laser beam was again projected onto the
helicopter, but this time it lasted long enough to determine the source, Sgt.
van Rooy said.
Gerald Cote, 25, has been charged with three counts of projection of directed
bright light at an aircraft, three counts of engaging in behaviour that
endangers the safety of an aircraft, three counts of obstructing police officer
and three counts of mischief.
If convicted, Mr. Cote faces a maximum fine of $100,000 and/or five years in
Source: Julianna Cummins, National Post
in Microscope Technology!
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8 SE,..In stock!
. The best compromise for great aperture and manageable size is right here!
Congratulations to Lunt Solar Systems! Rated by Popular
Science Magazine as
one of the 100ᅠ Best Innovationsᅠ in "The
Best of What's New 2009"
Lunt LS60T/PT Visual Package is a fully integrated, 100%
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dedicated Pressure Tuner!

see More Lunt Alpha Telescopes, click here
NEW! Black Diamond 5.1 Equatorial Reflector
Great entry Level Telescope at a reasonable
Celestron Omni XLT
The New Equatorial Designs-
Omni XLT series features the stable platform of the CG-4 mount and high quality
optics. Using aspheric shaping technology in conjunction with hand-figuring the
optics the Omni XLT presents an image with virtually no spherical abberation. We
also added our famous StarBright XLT coating system to further enhance light
Omni XLT 120mm Refractor with CG4 Mount-In Stock!
Omni XLT 6-Inch Newtonian-In Stock!
If you find it hard to decide what to get,
then choose a Gift Certificate!
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attractive gift card.
Winter Retail Store Hours 2009
Monday to Wed: 10am to 7pm
Thursday: 10am to 8pm
Friday: 10am to 7pm
Saturday: 10am to 7pm
Sunday: 11am to 6pm