Subject: What a Cockwomble of a situation

Hello Friend,

Yes, cockwomble.   

And that's  a "term of endearment" used by a colleague of mine.

The world cup of soccer starts today, and man there are so many different flags attached to car hoods in the
streets of Toronto, it's not even funny.

A few, I admit, I don't recognize.

Now of course, your's truly will be supporting the old home country, UK.

 The cockwomble is all about Brazil.   Considered to be the "country of football" by Brazilians.

Of course, the British would clearly argue that, and with darn good reason.

The problem is that Brazilian government was certainly able to build Soccer (aka football over there) stadiums in record
time, but the government can't seem to get it together to build homes for the many homeless
in that country and the foot dragging takes forever.

Needless to say, many Brazilians are pissed at this circumstance.  

And you can't really blame them.

Now, when you consider the cost to buy an average ticket to a soccer game,  which might
be a month's wages for many Brazilians, well that's simply another cockwomble.

It's simply a lot easier to go to a government protest than go to a soccer game.


Life is all about choices.

And be sure to tune in for tommorow's email, because it's Friday the 13th, and
more choices will have to made.

For example: Shall I avoid black cats?

Even worse: It's a Full Moon! And that will drive some folks somewhat batty.

My sweetie always warn's me when a Full Moon is coming, because there is going
to be hell to pay, if I am not on my very best behaviour.

Whatever that means.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Lucky 13" Khan

PS I'm not superstitious about Friday the 13th, but if you are , it will simply be good luck to check out tommorow's

PPS Have you ever noticed, it's usaully clear on a full Moon night?  Why is that?