Subject: We're in trouble now

Hello Friend,

     Well I certainly got some interesting feedback from many of you on your opinion of art, in regards to yesterday's

One fellow even told me he was in the world of art, and even he didn't understand it.

   That's Scary.

This response from reader Denis C.  I thought was most interesting:

Art has simply become silly and very commercial. 

I think much of what is called art today will be consigned to the garbage bins of the future.

Some people seem to simply have too much money and very few sense. 

The old phrase applies to modern art in general:  BS baffles brains.

If art is supposed to reflect the society we live in, then where do you think we're going?

Although Van Gogh is in modern art galleries he is in a class all by himself and as you mentioned that starry night really does portray poor seeing for an astronomer.

But who could have portrayed it better?  

    The part about how art reflect's society was the most interesting point to me.  (my emphasis btw)

Where are we going indeed?  A great question Denis!

Now let's reflect on something on how to create your own modern art through a CCD imaging camera.

It's the DVD by Damian Peach,   British astroimager of renown, who tells all in how to get the
best possible images in High resolution astrophotography.

    You will save hours of being gutted, and instead be gobsmacked with how much time you've saved
on your image processing.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I suppose many might have been equally shocked with Chuck Berry's rock and roll song ,
'Roll over Beethoven'. and thought it was the end of  "real music" back in the day.