Subject: We are gearing up for Astrocats!

Hello Friend,

We are gearing up for the Astrocat's show this weekend, in Hamilton this weekend,
so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Be sure to check your inbox tommorow for a very special, offer and one that
I rarely make.

But, since I've already had my Tim Horton's coffee this morning, and Bagel BLT,
I'm in a good mood.

And that means good news for you.

Meade and Celestron manufacturers reps are going to be present at this show, so if you
want to see the very latest in equipment from these guys on display, and in person then
show up.

If you want to see the gear that is presently on offer, then visit
because it's all listed there right now.

In fact, our friends at Meade have just launched their legendary LX90 promotion and Celestron
was kind enough to extend the "Capture the Universe" right through the Astrocats weekend,
and usually they just say, that Ray Khan is such as pest, let's ignore him.  But not this time!

Now, both the Meade and Celestron reps have it far too easy. I mean, they are staying at nice
comfortable name brand hotels, with comfy beds this weekend, while yours truly has to suffer
the dire comforts of a dorm room.

So, let's make them work this weekend.....  just sayin'.

Clear Skies,

Ray "sleepless" Khan

PS Don't miss tomorows email; I'm going to let the cat out of the bag.

PPS Wanna know more on Astrocats?