Subject: Was Van Gogh a nutter?

Hello Friend,

Recently when I was in New York, I visited the MoMA (museum of modern art).

    If you've never been, I highly recommend it. 

Paintings by many famous artists, including Gaughan, Rembrandt and Van Gogh
to name just a few.

    In fact, the famous Van Gogh painting of 'Starry Night' was on display during my
visit and it's truly a wonderful piece of work.

Now I'm no art expert, but when you look at the Starry Night, it kind of draws you in.

Interestingly, Van Gogh made this painting shortly after he cut off his ear.

    As a result of doing that, he was put into an insane asylum, and created this renowned
artwork from his east facing window from his room, just before the sun rose.

     Imagine that Van Gogh might have painted the stars as swirls, due to the turbulence
in the atmosphere.

     Personally, I can't even draw a straight line, but while I am no artist, tommorow I'll
tell you about a different kind of artist: one with even less talent, if you can believe.

Yup, I kid you not.

But for right now, I'll paint a different kind of picture for you:

Our sale of the renowned Celestron CPC series of telescopes has just started.

    You can check it out below, or at

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Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  There are some things about modern art, that I don't understand, and if you know
       anything about it, perhaps you will be able to offer some insight after you read
       tommorow's email.