Subject: Was I too harsh on beginner telescopes?

Hello Friend,

Yesterday, I wrote about beginner telescopes that are poorly manufactured today
and sold into the mass markets, via the big box and Walmart's of the world.

    I received this response from newsletter reader, Marc Lafleur:

Thanks for this Ray, but please don't be too harsh on "beginner" scopes. 

In 1965 (man, that was hard to type!), my mother bought me just such an instrument for Christmas, a 3 inch newtonian with a rickety mount that wobbled more and more with each use.

However, as a 12 year old I spent many hours scouring the face of the moon with it.

And, I'll never forget the clear night some years later I pulled that little scope out and found Saturn.  The sight of that planet has sent me on a life long journey through the stars.  -

Marc makes a very valid point.

         Many an amateur astronomer got their start on some pretty poor quality equipment.

And I would dare say, many more probably lost immediate interest as a result. because they may have
just given up and thrown in the towel, when they could not get the product to work.

Today as amateur astronomers, we are really spoilt with equipment choices.

It is a great problem to have.

Was I too harsh? 

No I don't think ,so. I took a look at some of the entry level instruments
being sold at places like Walmart ,etc.. over the holidays, and most of it really  was crap.

Here is another one of my favorite beginner telescopes.

It has been around for at least 2 decades, and still delight's first time buyers
for many good reasons.

Enjoy your weekend!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Wait till I tell you about a conversation with someone I had who actually ground the mirror
      for his first telescope. Imagine that!