Subject: Wake up and smell the coffee!

Hello Friend,

    Yes, it really is time to wake up and smell the coffee. 

That's what I do every morning.  I can't get my day even started without a really good cup of coffee,
it's just the way it is.

    It's kind of like the Universe; it's just the way it is.

    And today being Sunday, is a thrill because another episode of  the Cosmos series with Neil Degrasse
Tyson will be on tonight.

   There is not much on television worth watching these days, but this show is one of the few that is.

     Unfortunately, there are still many people who believe that the Universe  is only 6000 years old, and
the earth even less than that.

 How is this possible with all the extraordinary evidence that say's otherwise?

So perhaps by watching this series, some more people will be enlightened and educate themselves
as to the facts and evidence being presented.

Or perhaps they will simply tune out, because the fact's don't agree with what they've been "taught",
and they will switch the channel to another episode of "honey boo boo" or some other mindless crap.

    And this is one of the reasons promoting astronomy and science to the general public is so important.

The telescope being one of the most important instruments of science ever developed in the history of mankind.

  I'm sure you probably can remember the first time you looked through a telescope, and what you saw through it.

The curiosity it sparked in your mind.

The questions it made you think about,; such as how was it possible for the Leaf's to lose again last night?

Now something else to think about: Spring is really feeling like it's finally getting here.

  Are you ready to trade up or down to a telescope that you are going to want to use? Perhaps you need something more
portable, or something with more aperture to get inspired?

If so, drop by the store and find out what is new this year, and consider making the move.  Or check out
the new promotions we have on our website right now at

Clear Skies,

Ray "Coffee" Khan

PS Kudos to all amateur astronomers everywhere who take the time and trouble to show up at malls, libraries,
     and share the passion of their hobby with others by inspiring them to see what's possible.