Subject: Visions of Treacle Pudding......Boxind day Extravaganza!
Season's GreetingsFriend,
Well, if you had enough Christmas Pudding, treacle pudding, toffee pudding, or Fruitcake (heaven forbid!), and eaten enough
stuffing and turkey, with cranberry sauce, and all the fixin's, then it might be time to get off the couch and
check out the savings to be had during our Boxing day Event.
If Old Saint Nick,did not bring you what you wanted under the Christmas tree (then you have something in common
with Sylvester the Cat; he got a rubber mouse, instead of a real one! S-S-S-sakes!
How much Egg nog can one drink anyway? (Ok, so I had two glasses )
Right. Enough talk about food, and time to talk about telescopes.
During this Boxing day event (December 26th to December 29th), we will also accept trade-ins
of your instrument, in working condition or not, and regardless of make/manufacture.
Here are the details:
Boxing Day Event
When: December 26th to December 29th

Dec 29 11-6pm Boxing Day Sale
Where: Khan Scope Centre retail store, 3243 Dufferin Street, 3 bl. south of Yorkdale mall)
East side, at Orfus Road. FREE PARKING. We are located in a strip plaza.
What's on Sale: New and Used equipment, Accessories, Binoculars and Microscopes.
Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160 Local: 416 783 4140
or check out the website:
PS And if you were the unfortunate recipient of a box store "Christmas trash telescope" by
a well intended gift giver, take it back and get a real one that won't frustrate the bejeezus out
of you..