Subject: Trade in your telescope now for the biggest savings
Hello Friend,
Right now is the best time to be trading in your current telescope for a new model or
something different.
Because we have so many great offers available right now to you:
Here is a couple or examples:
If you purchased a Meade LX90 or LX200 ACF computerized telescope
right now, (prior to Jan 1st) you will get a boatload of really usefuil accessories
to the tune of $1125.
Here is what you get included in the kit.
07273 #126 2x Short-Focus Barlow Lens (1.25") $49.00
07680 Series 5000 Enhanced Diagonal Mirror $209.00
07742 UWA 14mm (1.25") Eyepiece $199.00
125080 15x70 Astrobinoculars $199.95
606001 Battery Pack, LXPS-7Ah $99.00
608002 Green Laser Pointer $49.00
Total Value:
$804.95 US Funds ($1125 Canadian)
Consider the Celestron Nexstar or CPC Series of telescopes
All on sale till 12`31.
PLUS: The trade-in value of your telescope equipment.
This all adds up to big savings.
But like I said many of these special offers expire December 31st.
So time is getting short.
Clear Skies,
Ray Khan
PS There are some other offers available too, you can check them all out