Subject: Too much monkey business
Hello Friend,
That was the title of one of the late King of Rock n' Roll's songs.
A real pioneer in the development of rock' n roll.
It would not be far-fetched to say that pretty much every rock song could be traced back to this dude.
Of course, I am talking about the REAL king of rock n' roll: the immortal Chuck Berry who passed away this weekend
at the ripe old age of 90.
I doubt any musician worth his salt who ever picked up a guitar and didn't make an effort to learn Berry's style of
playing. or a Chuck Berry song.
That would include the Beatles and Rolling stones, who openly give credit to Berry's influences.
But here is the real reason that Chuck Berry will be eternal as far as Space and astronomy is concerned.
His song: Johnny B. Goode is on the Voyageur 1 Space probe, on a golden record which is still travelling well beyond the Solar
System into the nether regions of space and time,
Imagine the look on the Alien life 's face after they discover and listen to this song for the very first time.
Oh To be a fly on the wall....
One of the pioneers of the telescope industry, would be Meade Instruments.
One of their best instruments that they build and manufacture is the LX850 Series of telescopes.
They are on Sale this month, as well as the junior level of telescopes and mounts the LX70 series.
If you are just looking for a mount alone, they are also on sale during this promotion.
So, Roll Over Beethoven and check out these deals today.
Clear Skies,
Ray Khan
PS If you ever visit the city of Cleveland, be sure to check out the history of Rock and Roll museum.
The term 'rock n' roll ' actually originated in that city .