Subject: This is the real deal: The Rowe Ackermann Schmidt-Astrograph

Hello Friend,

If you are an astroimager of any kind, then you already know the importance of having a fast optical system.

Typical SCT systems are quite slow.

So when Celestron introduced the Rowe Ackermann Schmidt-Astrograph earlier this year,
amateur astronomers certainly paid attention.

This ultra-fast f/2.2 system has a focal length of only 620mm greatly reduces exposure times when compared with 
traditional Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes.

One of the contributors to this unique optical system is amateur astronomer, Dave Rowe.

This guy is brilliant! He makes telescopes, is an optical designer (studying astronomy and astrophysics at Caltech).

A whole wack of papers published to his credit, and holds several patents as well.

As for the other designer: That's Mark Ackermann, whose credentials are quite similar.  He is also an amateur astronomer.

So, here you've actually got amateur astronomers designing a product that they know is going to work for you.

Now, let me be very clear about something here.

This is strictly an imaging system.  It's not for visual observing, like your typical SCT.

Kudos to Celestron engineers, and designers who worked hard to get the finished product built and ready
at an affordable price for amateur astronomers. 

That was no easy task!

Now admittedly, the biggest problem we've had is keeping this instrument on the shelf, however we just
got another shipment in, and I am giving you the heads up. 

They won't last, and that's not a scare tactic, it's just the facts.

A precision instrument like the Rowe-Ackermann is not a mass production item. It takes time to build.

No matter how many times I bug the folks at Celestron. 

You can buy either just the optical tube assembly, or a complete system with a mount.

Here are the links if you would like to take a look.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  Patience is a virtue. As you get older, that virtue either increases or decreases. You choose. :)