Subject: This is spooky. An 8 inch equatorial reflector for under $800?

Hello Friend,

     Today a lot of astronomical telescopes are computerized.

Now I appreciate the convenience personally on many occassions, however there is something to be said
also for the solace and peace and quiet of  a telescope that has none of the above.

     You know, you hunt the object down that you want to look at on your starmap, whether that
be an app on your smartphone or android device.

Or how about an actual set of star charts?   How novel.....!

    Then you figure out which constellation the object is in, and then star hop, or use a pair
of binoculars to narrow the search down.

Well, now Meade Instruments has come up with a beautiful classical newtonian on a German
equatorial mount which does this very nicely.

   Presenting the  Meade 8" LX70 newtonian reflector.

And to introduce this fine telescope we have it on sale at spooktacular savings right now.  

Now this telescope is not motorized, but you can purchase a dual axis motor drive system
for half price if you so desire, as long as you buy it at the same time.

How is that for a SPOOKTACULAR offer?  (Sorry, there is that word again!).

One more thing, the LX70 mount uses a standard vixen dovetail setup, so if you have another
telescope already, you can also use it on this mount as well.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now I am thinking about Count Chocula and Booberry cereals for some
     me hungry for a sugar fix.