Subject: This apple has nothing to do with Steve Jobs

Hello Friend,

     Well this past weekend involved some more gardening work, would you believe?

Two years ago we had planted two apple trees  in the backyard, but somehow one did not seem to survive the
harsh winter this past year, on Manitoulin Island.

      So we picked up another one, and this one was actually an empire apple tree. 

I like empire apples because they are crisp and sweet, and really quite tasty.

(Saying that made me hungry, so I just went to get one).

You know the old saying,  an apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Well actually the original saying went more like this:

‘‘Eat an apple on going to bed,
and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Does not sound quite as catchy though, does it?

Anyway, the tree got planted, and it already has some blossoms on
it, so hopefully that's a good sign.

Another sign, is that's it a full moon tonight, and the 1st of June.

Don't know where May went to, but it went by pretty fast.

For June we have two new telescope promotions starting today, both from Celestron.

Many of you have asked for this, and now it's back:

The Celestron Nexstar SE series: 4, 5, 6 and 8 are all on sale for this month.

And for more advanced amateur astronomers, the Celestron CPC series.

Here is the link to all the sale prices on these particular instruments.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS And to think that Sir Isaac Newton formed the Universal law of gravitation from
     watching an apple fall?  Good thing pigs don't fly!