Subject: This 1800 power telescope was a real piece of junk

Hello Friend,

    Many years ago, when I was leafing through Astronomy magazine, I came across an ad for a telescope, by
a reputable company (that's what I thought anyway), advertising an 80mm refractor, and claiming that it
had been tested to focus an image at 1800x on a pine needle!

   Now frankly, I should have known better, but hey like I said, these guys were known to make some quality products,
so I believed the somewhat outlandish claim, being spurred on by a friend of mine at the time, who said  "Ray, you can't pass
this one up....".   I was excited about the prospect of owning this new "telescope wonder".

 I received the telescope, (it was an 80mm optical tube, with some sort of barlow built into the star diagonal)
and it had a tripod adaptor attached to it.

   So I set it up on a tripod and proceeded to crank up the power.   The results were miserable!

There was a ton of chromatic aberration and distortion and colour.   Furthermore, the whole telescope almost hit the
ground, because the tripod attachment block was held on with two tiny screws, the threads could not hold, and I
was fortunate to catch it in time.

         Needless to say the whole experience was not positive, and I was certainly not impressed. I Chalked it up to
experience and that was that.

        Now on the other hand, I recently had the opportunity to test a new Explore Scientific telescope, which arrived at the store last week,
(and low and behold, a couple of clear nights, what luck).

   This was  an example of a Company overdelivering on an excellent quality product.   How often does that happen?

And the best part of all, is that
while this telescope is worth it's regular price, we are offering it right now, till February 28th, at 27% off.

That is a genuine savings.  If you want to know more,  You can check out the details here, Friend.

Ray "crank up the power...not" Khan

PS Here is the link again to the page again: Explore Scientific Telescope