Subject: Thirty Metre Telescope (TMT) project comes to a standstill

Hello Friend,

The project to build the 1.4 billion dollar telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii  has come to a standstill.

       The State Supreme court of Hawaii, has invalidated the permit to proceed with construction
of the instrument, due to some issues  local natives have  of it being built on conservation land.

Of course, the TMT group,  a non profit organization have abided by all local by-laws in the development of the land
for the past several years and the present.

So who knows how long the court wrangling will take from this point on.

    It may delay the project for a few years, or can it permanently.

That would be a  real shame, since Canada has already committed financially to the project in the past
and made commitments toward the future.

Other partners include the USA, China, India & Japan.

Hopefully the project will proceed at some point.

Consider that if it does not, that the state Hawaii will likely have
negative prospects  against any future
investment of this type, or others for that matter.

So the other question becomes, can they really afford to turn down this kind of opportunity?

Something to think about.

It is a fine balance between science advancement and local customs and blending the two together.

Not one at the expense of the other.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan