Subject: They won't flush the flipping toilet!

Hello Friend

                                     Warning: This is going to be a rant, right off the bat.

      Monday  I was travelling on the road for several hours , and had to stop a couple of times to use public

      Nothing unusual about that now is there?

Well, here's the problem:  in both instances, the individuals who last used the bathrooms, just didn't bother
to flush them!

   WTF is it with that?

And this has become an increasing problem.   Even at my health club where I work out.

Half the time, the toilets aren't flushed!       I just don't get it.    And this is in  health club!

Gimme a break folks.....

                        RANT OFFICIALLY OVER!

Remember recently I told you about impending price increases by most of our suppliers?

Well another just arrived by from Skywatcher, and this is about your last chance
to buy any of their products at the previous prices, as prices will go up as soon
as we get around to doing that.

   Unfortunately, our webmaster is ill right now, but as soon as she gets back to work,
she'll be on it like a bat out of hell!

     In some cases, the increases are as high as 10%, and that can really add up to big bucks
on something like an EQ6 AZ/MT or EQ8 mount or a 16"  Goto  dob.

I'm giving you the heads up right now on this, so please take serious heed of the warning.

Clear Skies,

Ray "flushed" Khan

PS Don't flush your money down the toilet Friend. All Skywatcher telescopes and accessories
     will go up in price. Exchange rates, manufacture price increases, the cost of raw materials..
    all those factors are driving prices up right now.