Subject: The weebles wobble, but they don't fall down....

Hello Friend,

     Perhaps our illustrious Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, supported by the" Ford  Nation", might have said those very words.

           Yes he wobbled, but he didn't fall down.

He just got up again and kept going, and apologizing for the umpteenth time.

Remember, he did have a "Jesus" moment about drinking very recently. 

Now I'm not exactly sure what he meant by that, but I hope he was not using that name in vain.

    More comedic fodder for the late night American TV talk show hosts, whose writers must be delighted, because now
they don't have to come up with more's handed to them on a silver platter.

But here's the thing Friend,  instead of filling your minds on the antics of Mayor Ford , you might actually be far better off to consider attending the 
ASX (Astronomy Space & exploration Society) of the University of Toronto event,  which is being held tonight in Toronto.

"Into the Cosmos", where 3 of the world's top cosmologists will examine the origin, fate, and mysteries of the cosmos in universally accessible language.

My friend Anita Bahmanyar, the director of the symposium and her colleagues have done a stellar job of organizing this event.

Khan Scopes is proud to be an event sponsor, as the more science and astronomy we can bring to the attention
of  the general public,  the better off we all are.

Tickets are $20 in advance,  or $25 at the door, and if you are a student, admission is FREE, with ID.

Here is a link to  the event:

Clear (and fricking cold) Skies,

Ray Khan