Subject: The telescope frosted up like a restaurant chilled Beer Mug!

Hello Friend,

       I have to confess.  It's been one f the toughest Winters to actually out and observe.

It's really cold, and windy.  It takes a lot of motivation to actually step outside  and look at the night
sky on some nights.

The reward, if you are willing to do so is great.   Winter skies reward us with some of the best observing,

Andit can be done: And here below is evidence of one such brave soul, our friend and customer
"Mr. Hardcore", Steven Cole, from James Bay, Ontario. 

Hello Ray.

 "Recently I took my NexStar 8 out for its limitations. It was -33 degrees C. The sky was Oh so beautiful. I kept the LED controller in my coat next to my body in hopes that it would keep it warm enough.

 This is what happened.

 The scope frosted up like a restaurant chilled beer mug.  (ed note: now you're talking, Steven.)

The eyepiece and aperture were unscathed. Motors for the scope still functioned Awesome. However my focus knob got very stiff and I was not about to force it.

Ok I said to my Wife I will bring out my trusty green laser pointer and I will teach you about what I have learned about the sky. No. Laser pointer also did not function.

Oh and also I tried to go into manual mode with the scope but the Finder Scope also stopped working because of the cold

 Don't get me wrong I love the scope that you guided me in purchasing.
Just wanted to give you some feed back about how she is working for me"

. PS. I was still out there at -33. Hardcore. OOOOyyyyyaaah.

Your Friend Steven Cole.

  Way to go Steven.  Hey man, if you can go out in -33 conditions, then you've set the bar pretty high as an example.
And kudos to your wife for getting interested enough to come out and check the night sky as well.

(note: Some amateur astronomers who live out in Winnipeg, claim they regularly observe under these conditions)
and there is no denying.....

Clear Skies,

Ray "Frosty the Snowman" Khan

PS We are getting walloped again today in Toronto, and surrounding areas.  Where is that flipping groundhog who
predicted 6 more weeks of Winter? Where????????????