Subject: The strange reason why many telescopes do not perform well, despite great optics

Hello Friend,

Well, this is very strange phenomenon.

Telescopes being manufactured today, by any standard have some of the best optics in them that I have seen after being
in this industry for over 35 years.

There is no doubt about it.

However, a continuing plague is that many amateur astronomers do not realize that the most critical part of their
the instrument is not just the telescope optics, but it's the part you look through:

The Eyepiece!

If you are still using mediocre eyepieces with your instrument and have not invested in at least one good quality eyepiece
then you are doing yourself and your instrument a great disservice and for sure you are not getting the best performance out
of your investment.

I'm not sure why it is, but people with sometimes spend loads on a good instrument and then not invest in one or two
high quality eyepieces.

I see this all the time.   I don't understand it.

So what's the solution?

Start by investing in just one good eyepiece.  

The ones I use myself are manufactured by TeleVue Optics.

 They are world class optics period.

And right now we have them on rare sale at 10% off.

Here is the link to all the savings.

Like I said, invest in just one and you will see a marked improvement in your telescope performance.

Your telescope will thank you, and so will your eyes

You will become one of the converted to the religion of Naglerism. (TeleVue founder: Al Nagler)

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Imagine putting a chevette engine into a Ferrari and expecting it to perform well.  Exactly.