Subject: The rant report continued: Here are some of your responses

Hello Friend,

After being deluged with responses for suggestions on how to resolve a particular "customer" issue at
Khanscope that we are experiencing I figured I would share a few of them here with you today.

Plus I will share a few more over the next coming days.

More responses are still coming in; I am reading each and every one.  You guys are  quite brilliant
at offering solutions.

Of course, I always knew that our customers were "smarter than the average bear," so my gratitude goes
Out to you.

You know the old saying, sometimes you can be too close to the forest to see the fire.

Ok, let's get started:

1)Here's an email from newsletter subscriber, Rudy:

You are under no obligations to these people.  I would take a moment to explain to them that you are a business and part of the service for those who actually buy from you is to help them in this way.  They should take their complaints to the place that they purchased from or to the manufacturer of the product directly.


You might consider this an opportunity to offer a once a month class to people who wish to do this sort of thing.  Charge a smaller fee than would be required for individual tutoring and introduce them at the same time to the excellent quality of product and service available when they purchase from you!  You may find this a better way to develop a loyal customer base.


Just a thought.

Bart writes: 


2) I have always been VERY clear in my opinion to friends and acquaintances when speaking about the mass movement away from brick and mortar stores to on line shopping.  If this continues I am very much afraid we will see two things happen: 


First of all these store will gradually disappear along with the jobs they create.  Loosing those jobs has a ripple effect throughout our entire economy. People without jobs cost our society more in the form of social assistance, and they aren’t buying too much more than the bare necessities. When they stop buying more store, go out of business, and more jobs are lost…A very devastating cycle.


Secondly, we lose, in our communities, the expertise and assistance we have come to rely on to help make educated decisions especially when it comes to technically sophisticated equipment like telescopes, cameras, audio and video equipment, etc.


I, for one, do not and will not purchase from on-line stores if there is a local store that I can support.  I would far rather pay a little more and know that if I need some help making the right decision or help with the product after I have made the purchase, it will be there.  


I certainly do not believe that anyone who has not supported your business with their initial purchase has any right whatsoever to expect any assistance from you or your staff.  If they bought their telescope on Amazon, let them call Amazon for help (and see how far that will get them).   


In fact, you do all of us a disservice if you do provide assistance to these on-line bargain hunters.  Many are not bright enough to figure out the ramifications of their penny pinching and need to learn the hard way.  If you want help in making a purchase and assistance with questions afterward, buy locally, support your community and the businesses that support it. 

So there you have it.

 Just two of many varied opinions that I've received.  As I said, I will be formulating our policies from all
the feedback received.

Dont' forget: As a special thank you for taking the time to respond, I would like to offer a coupon in the form of a 
10% discount for any  telescope, accessory, binocular or microscope that we sell that is  at regular price
(i.e., not already on sale) till the end of this month.

Just enter the discount code: rant on the checkout page at

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Mother nature is laughing at me today; Woke up to another 10cm of snow;  continued snow all day, and then rain in the
early afternoon. WTF?  If that was not enough, 90km winds tonite!  Well, gotta run to dig out the driveway again. Later all!