Subject: The lonely telescope in the wooden box

Hello Friend,

        A lonely telescope in a wooden box;  Unused for many years. Sad.

While recently travelling, I was having breakfast in  a hotel  seated at a common table where several people can dine.

The lady across from me, was an attorney, who was in town for some consulting.

We struck up a conversation, and when I mentioned that I was in the telescope business, she told that several years ago, her father had made his  own telescope, ground the mirror and built a reflector.

Turns out he was a design engineer, for General Motors.  And he had also purchased a 2nd commercially  telescope,  for the family
cottage in Michigan, which this lady now owns.

    I asked her if she or anyone else had used it.  She said that it had not been used in over 30 years, and from what she could
recall it was a long white tube, but not much else.

    So I encouraged her to pull it out and try to assemble it, and take a look at the Moon for starters.

And hopefully she will, now that cottage season is almost upon us.

This conversation got me to thinking just how many telescopes there are, collecting dust, and not being used for their
intended purpose.

That's a real shame.

If you haven't had your scope out in a while, I encourage you to take it outside, and connect with the stars again.

Clear Skies,

Ray  Khan

PS You will want to check out the new EVOLUTION series of telescopes, right here.