Subject: The folly of young earth creationists

Hello Friend,
While in beautiful Nova Scoti recently, I visited the Joggins fossils cliffs, a UNESCO world heritage sight.

  If you have seen the recent television series, COSMOS with Neil Degrasse Tyson,  who remarks in
the opening scenes: "There are places on this planet where you can walk through time and read the rocks"
as he walks along Joggins beach.

 Joggins cliffs is the location that was filmed and shown in the series.

These rocks date back about 330 million years, and it is a most fascinating place, where you can
literally take a walk back in time.

This was the carboniferous period, when trees began to cover our planet earth.

    Remarkably, you can even see fossilized trees in the cliffs. 

So you would think that young earth creationists, who claim the  earth is only about 6000 years old
might actually consider a field trip to this location to check it out.

Then what would they say?  

One can only imagine.

    If you are fascinated by examining things close up, including rocks and fossils we carry
several different types of microscopes that are suitable for this purpose as well as biological


   Why we even had someone in recently that wanted to check out his sperm count.

Unfortunately, I am not kidding.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan