Subject: The dogged determination of Scott Roberts..

Hello Friend,

    Scott Roberts was a determined man....

Several years ago when he founded Explore Scientific,  one of the first questions I asked him was:

   "So Scott, there are several manufacturer's of  refractor telescopes already,  do we really need
another one to add to the fray"?

    Scott replied that he was determined to build a better telescope, at a more affordable price than
he had seen in the marketplace,  and at the same time maintain a very high standard of quality control,
to ensure that the end user was satisfied.

     That's no easy task..........

    Scott was previously with Meade Instruments, and had worked at that company for many years, learning
the in's and out's of what made a great telescope and what didn't.

So he knew what had to be done.

Sure, there were some bumps and grinds along the way, but Scott, true to his word, took care of them.

And today, we can offer you some really excellent telescopes and eyepieces in the Explore Scientific Line.

    The past few days, I've told you about the Explore AR152mm refractor package that we currently have
at a savings of 27%.  (Only for a short time though).

And when I called Hayley at Explore to find out where our instrument shipment was, she gently reminded
me that the QC guys, were doing a final inspection, before they were sent off to us, so patience Mr. Khan,

      It's a good feeling to know that Scott backed up his words, and so you know you can buy this, or any
other Explore Scientific product, with confidence.

   Why? Cos' Scott says so.

Clear Skies,

Ray "what me worry" Khan

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