Subject: The difference between a dedicated H alpha Solar Scope, and a regular solar filter

Hello Friend,

Seems there is a bit of confusion amongst some folks as the actual differences between an H Alpha filter
and a regular mylar/glass type solar filter, so I'll clarify that here.

1) A glass/mylar solar filter
 which usually mounts on the front of your telescope will only show you
    sunspot activity on the Sun.  The filter is typically blocking out about 99.9% of the incoming  light.
   What you will see is a yellow-orange image of the Sun. Great if you want to study, or just observe the
   activity of Sunspot's, which are various shapes and sizes. 

Most are actually bigger than the earth itself!  It's a relatively inexpensive way to stargaze during the day
and get some extra mileage out of your telescope. 

Prices depend on the size of your telescope, and the range is about $50 to $200 for the average telescope.

2) H Alpha dedicated Solar Telescopes and filters

 The Sun's surface layer contains a high proportion of hydrogen.  Therefore the H Alpha filter telescope/filter allows you to safely observe and see
stunning views of prominences, the chromosphere, and surfaced details which include flares, filaments, sunspots, and granulation.

Both observing and photography is possible.

Coronado Instruments, has a long standing record as a company that makes quality H-Alpha telescopes.

And today is the last day you can buy them at a savings

Here is  link ( )to the various models, including the world famous
PST (Personal solar telescope) which revolutionized the entire amateur telescope industry, and made Solar observing affordable for the amateur astronomer, which was the goal of the original founder.

Clear and Sunny Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is the link again:
     and remember the sale ends today.