Subject: The Wrath of Khan is upon you today


Were you ever in the boy scouts as a youngster?

I was, and the best thing about it was that it was called the Boy scouts: that meant no girls.

Today we have the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts here in Canada.

 Well now south of the border, the Boy Scouts have become the next group to have their name
changed to SCOUTS only.

Neutralized. Another victim of politically correct BS.

Now let me "Mansplain " this for you:

Ask your Partner or Spouse  what she would think of: "Night out", instead of "Girls Night out."

See how ridiculous it all is?

Yup, another step backwards in the gender neutralization taking place amongst males and females.

If you take a woman out on a first date, you are expected in most cases to pick up the tab.

Why it's the gentleman thing to do isn't it?

Good manners and being a gentleman are old school in my books and that's not changing
as long as  I can help it.

However Equality and feminism ends right at the end of the Bill showing up.

Because that's when you the man, are left holding the bag so to speak.

So I'm here to steer things in the right direction.


This here offer  below is for both men and women and all in between.

You will get to pay exactly the same price, regardless of your sex, gender, FTM,  MTF, transgender
or Cisgender or any other parts thereof I might have overlooked.

Khan Scope believes and practices equality.

True Equality at that.

Here is the deal: 

Save 10% when you buy a Celestron Nexstar 6 SE with Sky Q Link Wifi Module 

Yup, right here:

May the Forth Be with You,

Ray Khan

PS I can tell you right now Darth Vader would not put up with this nonsense right Darth? 
"No Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn!~ I won't!!"  

