Subject: The Universe doesn't give a toss about you

Hello Friend,

That is what my friend Vicky Fraser says, and she is absolutely right.

The Solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice, once in summer and once in winter, each year when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole. During Solstices the tilt of the axil of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26'.

Solstices occur on 20th or 21st June and 21st or 22nd December each year. During summer the day of the solstice is the longest day of the year and during winter the day of the solstice is the shortest day of the year.

   So regardless of what we as humans want to do, and how much we want things to change, the Universe is totally

The seasons will come and go, regardless of what we think.

Is the Universe a  harsh mistress perhaps?

Steve Harvey crowns the wrong Miss Universe winner at the Miss Universe pageant?

The Universe doesn't care!  (And neither do I for that matter, pageants in this day and age......really)

Donald Trump becomes President of the United States of America?

    Ok, well maybe the Universe might care about that.....but NO!!

The Universe does not care!

And on and on  it goes my friend.

Does the Universe care if we run out of stock on popular telescopes and accessories
just around the holidays when people want them the most?

No, but perhaps you might.

Or, like the Universe you might not.

Here is what is on special offer, right now.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan