Subject: The Secrets of Dark Matter

Hello Friend,

The book Cosmic Cocktail by Astrophysicist and author Katherine Freese offers an interesting hypothesis on the subject. of dark

I highly recommend you consider reading it. Or put it on your want list for the holidays.

The beautiful thing about Winter Sundays is that it is a right time to catch up on some reading and possibly swig down
a glass or two of single malt scotch at the same time.  

Something I am apt to do.  It's not for everyone of course.    I know some folks who love to watch cat videos on youtube for instance.

There is still much we don't understand or know about dark matter.  Perhaps when the James Webb Space telescope gets launched by
NASA in 2018, we will be able to start the journey to finding some answers, says author Freese.

In the mean time, time is running out to save a whopping 22% on the CGEM DX Computerized equatorial mount from

direct link:

It's a heckuva deal but it won't last forever.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is a short but cool video explaining dark matter with Katherine Friese on youtube. (Sorry, no cat video here).