Subject: The Search for Bigfoot continues

Hello Friend,

   The process of searching for Bigfoot is called "squatching".

I spend a fair bit of time in the north, and while I have had close encounters with bears
and the odd moose,  never ran into anything even resembling a Sasquatch.

   However, we do have our very own sasquatch hunter right here in Toronto, by the name
of Christopher Lau. who has investigated a number of bigfoot "sightings" north of Toronto
in and around the area of Muskoka.

He and his dad have been searching for the mythical creature for the past decade or so.

He claims that Sasquatch like to tree knock.

    To warn others about humans that might be in the area.


Sure it's not just a woodpecker? They do a heck of a lot of knocking.

While many people feel that bigfoot is a hoax, he is not so sure.

    Christopher says: "I am set on Sasquatch being something....the last survivors of a great
ape species, a true missing link".

   And for you dear reader?

Here is the "missing" link to all the Skywatcher brand of telescopes we have put on sale
this month.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan