Subject: The Night Sky Blues
Hello Friend,
Ever find that during the day, while at work, you come up with an idea that goes something like this:
"When I get home, I'm going to set the telescope up, and get it ready to do some observing tonite".
Then you get home, and before you know it, the motivation is gone.
Or you have had your plan thwarted by your well meaning spouse or significant other who has slightly
different plans, as to what's going to be happening that evening.
This happens to me on occassion, and I find the best way to deal with it I find, is to actually
check out the RASC Observers handbook or Skynews or Sky & Tel or Astronomy magazine
and find something happening in the sky that is worth checking out.
Then you are likely to be more motivated to execute the plan.
You see, things get easier when you have an observing plan, of some sort.
Let's call it a target list of a few objects, and one key one, that you definitely want to observe.
You'll find, that you will be more motivated with an observing plan of action, than if you don't
have one.
Yes, it's really that simple.
Give it a try next time, and you'll see what I mean.
Clear Skies,
Ray Khan
PS And here is some more motivation for you: Our Special offers page!