Subject: The Mclaughlin Planetarium Saved!

Hello Friend,

    Ok, not really. 


After all it is April Fools day. ;-)

But here is the real deal.

The long defunct McLaughlin Planetarium,  as part of the Royal Ontario Museum, here in Toronto
has not been in operation for many years.

     In all likelihood, it's not going to be either.

And now there is a petition out there to "save" it again.

 While Toronto does not really have a world class planetarium of any calibre in operation at the present time
it's really time to let go of the "Save the McLaughlin" from becoming a condo or whatever the ROM management
wants to do with it.

Ok, never mind that the ROM directors board built that horrible facade overhang called the 'Crystal' and went
ahead and spent millions of dollars they didn't have, based on future pledges from donors, that they mostly still
have not collected.

Here is the reason it's time to move on.

     If we ever want to have the possibility of having a new planetarium built, with a state of the art projector
 elsewhere in the GTA , then that ain't gonna happen as long as the McLaughlin is in the foreground.

It's as simple as that folks.

    So while they say,  "Save the McLaughlin", I say let it go.

As François de la Rochefoucauld once said: “The only thing constant in life is change”.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan