Subject: The Khan museum of Telescopes?

Hello Friend,

Or some other appropriate name.

     The other day I mentioned to you  that I had way too much stuff and equipment.

During our house Spring cleaning my sweetie reminded me that I should consider disposing of some it.

     I had mentioned that she had way too many clothes, every closet in the house filled
with clothes, and perhaps she would like to donate some to the local womens shelter.

She agreed, and proceeded to fill bags of clothing which were then dropped of to the shelter.

Now it was my turn; problem is  I liked this eyepiece, and that telescope and now I was a candidate
for a hoarding reality tv show.

Gawd help me!!!!

  What to do?

That is when Reader Denis C. suggested that I create a museum, and just put some of this stuff in it, for all to see.

 That is a great idea and actually an idea that I had many years ago myself.

And forgot  all about it.

             I get excited reading old telescope operating manuals and looking at old catologs.

You know the ad that says: "500x  power telescope", only $69 plus shipping and handling advertised in the 1960's.

But I digress:  I am still stuck with the dilemma, and where would this museum be anyway?

We sure do not have room for it in our retail store.

    What do you think of the idea?

To be continued.....

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Just a reminder: We are open 7 days a week now, including Sundays. Spring has just about sprung,
      so yippee!