Subject: Telescope abusers, I am looking for you

Hello Friend,

    A customer brought in a telescope this week, that was not focusing an image.

It was a newtonian reflector  5 inches in aperture.

      Now before he bought it in for us to take a look at, he decided to attempt to
repair  the telescope himself.

Now, for some minor things, there is nothing wrong with that.

  If you know what the hell you are doing, and even do a bit of research beforehand.

However he came to the conclusion that the primary mirror (main mirror in a reflector scope)
which is at the bottom of the tube,  was incorrectly installed by the manufacturer and should
have been installed at the top of the tube.

   You can guess the rest.

  He removed the collimation (alignment screws for the mirror) and then
the 3 screws holding the mirror cell in the tube itself.

   So now, it is going to be more work and more expense involved  to repair for our technician.

Because he now has to reinstall it, re-collimate it (align the mirrors).

Worse part is the fellow had the operation manual which had a diagram of the whole instrument
with some useful information on using the instrument properly.

But of course he never bothered to actual read it.

Now this does not make him a bad person, and I have done similar things when I was a kid
taking things apart to see how it worked.

I was curious. He was curious.

In this case, curiousity killed the cat, and satisfaction is gonna have to pay for that.

Sad to say, I see this kind of  stuff happen, far more than I would like to.

     Hey, we are into March.  And I just posted a whole bunch of new promotions right here,
so you might want to check em out.

Meade, Coronado, Celestron.  Many great products with big discounts.

Here is the link: to all the savings.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  I bought a new keyboard the other day for my PC; imagine my frustration though, no flipping manual
       included. I love to read manuals!