Subject: Take a look at the Teapot, it's real bricky you know

Hello Friend,

It's really bricky you know.

Say Wot?

The Teapot!

Yes, to this day,  I still like my teatime every day around 4pm.

It's traditional in England, to have  a cuppa in the afternoon around 4 to 5pm.

Usually, with a Bourbon chocolate biscuit, or digestive.

Dipping the biscuit into the tea, was frowned upon by some, by not by yours truly.

Unless the biscuit broke off and then dropped into the tea, then all bets were off. :(

A real fine mess that was. 

All in the timing though.

The other teapot I want to talk about today is the one in the constellation of Sagittarius.

The teapot itself is not a constellation, but an asterism.

Visually, in the sky, it looks like a traditional English teapot, at a bit of an angle.

You can actually see that naked eye.

September is a good time to take a look at it, and you do need a clear Southwest Horizon.

Dark sky compulsory to really enjoy the sights within.

It's got a number of interesting objects in it, that you can observe, with preferably at
least a 6 inch telescope aperture.

You can also slowly scan through the teapot with a pair of binoculars (10 x 50 or larger)
for some pleasurable observing.

There are several messier objects, nebulae and clusters within.

Get out your favorite atlas of software program and take a look.

You'll enjoy the view, Friend.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Telescope users, One more tip: Use an Oxygen III Filter   (Lumicon is best), when scanning
     for emission nebualae in Sagittarius. It makes a marked difference.
      Available in both 1.25" and 2" sizes, and will thread into all brands of eyepieces.

