Subject: Superbowl weight loss secrets

Hello Friend,

You have to hit the gym and work it off the day after basically.

     Last night it was clear.

Friend,  here are 3 reasons I didn't go out to observe.

1) Full Moon

2) It was too cold

3) It was really cold!

             Now, some might argue that those are just lame excuses, and they might be right.

      However,  I decided the time might actually be better spent going to the gym, and working off all that junk I
ate at Sunday's superbowl party, at my friend Rob's house.

      Rob is really very clever in the kitchen.

  He knows how to work with herbs, and spices and he showed me
his secret concoction of 15 herbs and spices (much tastier than Col. Sanders btw), but of course because
it was secret, he couldn't tell me what was in it.

Duh. I should have known better than to ask him.

     Anyway, he cooked up this amazing gameday Chili, served in steaming hot baked potato. 

And of course, a bunch of other guys, brought all kinds of beer, cakes, desserts.

Glad to say that I at least brought a healthy vegetable platter and some chocolate chip cookies to balance
it out of course. ;)

      Needless to say, the next day I felt like a lead balloon.

That's why the gym last night.  I felt like a "new man" after coming out.

Getting there, well that's another story, Friend.

Now, if you have considered buying a Mallincam video camera previously, but thought they were too expensive
and you just wanted to "get your feet wet", before investing in a full fledged system. I have some good news
for you.

Rock Mallin has introduced the Mallincam Micro EX.  

It's a real game changer.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS   Check it out here: