Subject: Sunday's Rant report update

Hello Friend,

I want to thank everyone who wrote in with their opinion on how we should handle the matter
in my rant in yesterday's' email about customers who purchase equipment elsewhere, and then
come into the store for advice on how to use it.

I was overwhelmed with the response, and have personally read every single one.
It was a great way to spend Sunday afternoon.

Will give you more detailed feedback later this week, and share a few of the responses

Not to worry, I will only use first names and no identities or email addresses will be disclosed. 

Your opinions were all over the map of course. Some said charge; some told me to offer free advice
and others offered some other very creative solutions.

(no one mentioned a button that is pushed that automatically opens a trap door, which leads to a den
of ravenous lions in the basement-)  

Oh wait... I think I came up with that one!

You have been a great help, Friend.

 It will help formulate our retail/online store policies that will go into effect shortly.

As a special thank you for taking the time to respond, I would like to offer a coupon in the form of a 
10% discount for any  telescope, accessory, binocular or microscope that we sell that is  at regular price
(i.e., not already on sale) till the end of this month.

Just enter the discount code: rant on the checkout page.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Will this bloody snow ever stop? Another 10cm to dig out of this morning.  Then stacking wood, my back is starting
      to hurt. Time to reach for .....a cup of warm soothing tea.